I was ahead for so many weeks.
Then I slacked a little and was just doing things as they were assigned/needed.
And now I'm officially behind.
And it is a lot and all, but it is still completely my fault that I lost my lead.
I've been lazy
and procrastinating.
So tonight, it stops!
Tomorrow I am going to do all the crap I've been meaning to and planning on and putting off until tomorrow.(((I know it's a bit ironic to talk about not procrastinating tomorrow, but today really is a lost cause.)))
I'm going to DO my stinking HOMEWORK! And I guess when I say this, I don't mean homework per se, I mean more like do the assigned readings BEFORE the lecture like I was. And finish my clinical paperwork the same night instead of three nights later right before it's due.
I'm going to follow my calendar. No more last minute re-working to make more time for procrastinating.
Eat healthy. I'm going to stop using food as a crutch for comfort because "I've had a hard day." Eating healthy is a must and if I'm going to be able to keep up with this grueling school schedule, I need to be nourished! Hydration will be a big priority and I'll use the My Plate guideline like I know I should (my nutrition professor would be proud), meaning half veggies and fruits and one quarter protein and one quarter carbs -Complex carbs, that is- oh and don't forget that dairy :) Milk with dinner from now on. Though, for the record, reasonable, nightly desserts will not be denied me.
Exercise. Twice a week minimum. I always mean to and I never do! I did well this summer, but since the semester began it's completely gone by the wayside. I always have all these excuses about why I won't or shouldn't, but the fact of the matter is, it's like a natural caffeine high! It'll help me stay awake during the day and fall asleep at a normal time at night. I don't have a gym membership and really want one (our local gym has a pool, which is my FAVE thing to do for exercise!) But it's expensive and I want to make sure I'm really going to use it (unlike my husband who has had his membership for 2 and a half years and hasn't gone in 2 of those -.-) before I go and shell out all this money. So, if I keep up working out at least 2 times a week (of course, the more often the better, but that's a good starting point) I will get a membership. In the meantime, running on the local middle school track or around the neighborhood (although, the pavement really hurts my joints) is free! Or calisthenics in my living room. Or I could start up Insanity again?? Though, I really think I want to wait and be a little more in shape than I am now to jump on that train again... Anyways...
Meditate when I get home from school or clinicals. I need to make sure I'm managing my stress levels to stay healthy and that's a great way to do it. Also, I think it will help me get centered and focused on what I need to accomplish for the evening or next day. I think I'll start with 5-10 minutes, probably setting my phone alarm in the beginning to make sure I'm not skimping.
Stop neglecting my husband. Now, we both knew that things would be a little harder when I started school. He has to pull more of his weight around the house; cleaning, shopping, meals, etc. And he has REALLY stepped up to the plate! (Have I mentioned that I couldn't do it without him?? Gosh, I love that man.) But by adhering better to my studying goals/schedule, I will have more time to spend with him. I shudder to think how much time I waste on facebook or just procrastinating around, when I could be saving it and spending it with him. Also, after a long, stressful/exciting day, I want to talk all about it. I mean, I do ask the required, "How was your day, honey?" but for the most part all I do is talk about me me me me. It's selfish and it's unacceptable. Also, I'm embarrassed to admit how long it's been since we had some bedroom time. My goal is to make the effort to be intimate at LEAST once a week. Now, when I say intimate I don't necessarily mean sexytime. I mean accomplishing my study goals and going and just SEEING the guy! Talk to him. Give him a hug and a kiss! BE PRESENT. And whatever follows, well, great :)
Be a Listener. Kind of goes with what I was saying above. I worry I might be an over-sharer and that it might come off as being self-centered or selfish. When people are talking about themselves, in my mind, a good way to bond is to share about myself in relation to the topic they were talking about. But I don't want to be the person people know way too much about, I want to be a Listener. That person you can go to and really be heard. Also, I think it never hurts to be more observant and introspective.
Get the FUCK off FACEBOOK. I waste so much time there. 98% of that time I'm on it, I'm just being nosy and procrastinating doing what I actually should be. My goal is to take a week long hiatus and see where I'm at. How hard was it? Do I have a lot more free time? Am I getting more done? It also kind of relates to the sharing less thing. People that half the time I wouldn't say 'Hi' to in the street really don't need or want to know most of what I'm doing on a daily basis! It's just not that interesting. (For the record, I totally don't count this blog. I consider this my journal, so it falls under the introspection category ;]) I think my overall goal regarding Facebook for the long haul would be for it to not be a daily occurrence, more like a pop in once a week and see what people are up to kind of thing. But like I said, I'll start with a week and see.
I think that about covers it. Now that you've seen my faults, you must think I'm a pretty awesome person, huh. Selfish, gluttonous, lazy. I know, until now you thought I was perfect. It's like when you first realized your parents have sex. Rocks you to the very core.
I'll keep you posted on how it all goes. Wish me luck!
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