A quote from The Simple Dollar, a blog essentially about getting more of what you want of out your finances. Often the posts, though related to finances, branch off into the interrelated topics that motivate our spending. And that's why I love it! I know I should save more, spend less, but there is so much more to how and why we spend our money.
How true is that quote, though? I mean, is the man right or is he right??
I am a perfectionist through and through and sometimes I feel like I miss out on experiences, happiness, improvement and many other things, because I'm too concerned with being perfect.
Nursing school is the perfect example (: . I am willing to bet that over half the time that I find myself really stressed/nervous/gettingamigraine/whatever it stems from my strange need to be "perfect" or pathologically trying avoid making a mistake. I worry that it causes me to miss out on jumping in there and getting my hands dirty and really seeing what the hell this nursing thing is all about.
Another good example is my wedding day. I had fun and it was a special day and all, but I really missed out on a lot, because I was too busy being upset that this or that "went wrong" and trying to "fix" it, instead of just saying "fuck it!" and go have a grand ol' time.
I think that needs to be added to my change list from my last entry.
Speaking of which, I've been noting my improvement here and there in a draft entry that I plan on posting at the end of the week. I was hoping to do brief, daily reflections on how things are going, but that's turned out to be a hilariously optimistic ideal. Just to give you an idea on the excess of time I've had this week, I didn't get home from the hospital until 9:15pm last night only to have to be back at 6:45am today -.- It was awesome. Especially considering I'm paying them and not the other way around. Yay, school.
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