Thursdays and Fridays are my clinical days.
In case I haven't mentioned it before, this is my first semester in Nursing School and that makes this my first clinical rotation. Me and 8 of my classmates (I have a class of 79, and they split us up into smaller groups at different hospitals and units.) are at the med-surg unit for 4 weeks and the oncology unit for one.
So I was in med-surg and will be for the remaining two weeks of the class, as I did my oncology rotation last week.
It was an interesting two days. Well, three really. Because on Wednesdays we go to our unit and pick our patients. You see who's available, ask their permission to be your victim and if they say yes, research their chart, condition and any other pertinent information you can get your hands on. That way you're prepared (or as much as you can be) for taking care of them. Normally Wednesdays are pretty short. It usually takes only about an hour to do what you need to do.
But of course, THIS Wednesday, our first picking our OWN patients - not assigned by faculty - THEY RAN OUT OF PATIENTS.
No joke.
You can choose your own time to pop in and pick and I chose to go a little later around 4pm (everyone else went around 1:30). My train of thought was by then, the docs and nurses would know pretty definitively who was going and who was staying. God forbid I do all of this work and research only for them to go home later that afternoon and have to do it all over again the next day! And for all intents and purposes, my plan worked. The problem was, everyone was leaving.
Yeah. When I got there at 4, two of the girls who had been there since 1:30 were STILL there! Just waiting to see if someone was either coming in from ER or not going to be discharged. And just our luck, exactly two were expected to. And if you've done the math that means three students and two patients.
Well, shit! I of course was going to let the other two get them. They've already been waiting two, coming up on three hours! I'm not going to swoop in and snatch the new patients! So I called my professor and she recommended coming back later, because in all likelihood all of those empty beds were going to be re-filled. So that's what I did. And at 7, back I come. The other two students are STILL THERE WAITING!! I had enough time to read a whole chapter while they were stuck here waiting! How cray cray is that?
Well, as luck would have it, at 8:30 when I think there is no hope and I don't know what I'm going to do, one of my classmates hears from an RN that there is another patient coming up from ER. And did I snatch that up faster than you can say FUCKTHISSHIT. So luckily, it all worked out, and I left around 9:15pm only to return at 6:45am. And the best part? I'm not even getting paid for this shit yet, lol. I'M paying THEM!
Turns out it was the first clinicals where I wasn't panicked and miserable all day, both days. I actually feel like I'm getting into the swing of things. Well, as much as possible, I mean I'm going to be clueless for quite some time, but at least I feel like I'm progressing like I should be. And that's all I want! I don't expect be the world's best RN the fourth week of school, but I do want to feel like I've got a handle on the objectives and situations expected of me!
Also, I think it helps that the staff is getting used to us and thus hating us a little less. Now that they know what our limits are, they are more comfortable asking us to do this or that and suddenly we went from 'annoying and in the way' (understandably so...) to the people they can shove all the easy, time consuming crap off on. And let me tell you: We are happy to do it. We want to be helpful and liked. And if that means helping with bedpans and bed baths, bring it on!
So all in all, a MUCH better experience than the last two weeks. THANK GOODNESS. I was getting worried there for a second, lol. Maybe this nursing school thing won't be SO bad, after-all. Just marginally hellish is fine with me :) I'll let you know how next week goes!
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