Sunday, September 9, 2012

2 out of 3 meals today

have consisted of cake. True story.
Caramel Apple Cinnamon coffee cake, actually.
Here is the recipe. I used about a million times the cinnamon she put, but I really love the stuff.
It turned out super moist and just the right balance of all flavors.
My husband is a big fan too, because he can't get enough caramel! Win-win.

I've been reading the day away about dosage calculations, which has been just a blast, let me tell you. But I still have two more chapters I want to get done (two small ones; one about Activity & Exercise and one about communicating with patients) and I CANNOT stop piddling around! My brain needs a break!

Well, a longer one... Because I definitely just got done with my coffee/cake/one episode of How I Met Your Mother break I give myself every evening to break up the 4-10 hours of reading I do a day (depending on if it is or is not a school day.)

I need to re-focus! Easier said than done... Though, I suppose just getting started was never a bad first step.

I keep telling myself that the sooner I read these chapters, the sooner I'll have free time! -To do fun free-timey things like fold laundry, call my mother and take a shower. But it's time I'm not studying, and that's good enough for me! - ANYWAYS. That's just not motivation enough.

But, in my little time of procrastination I managed to check Facebook so much that nothing new has happened and all my e-mail has been checked. I updated my blog and now I'm left with no choice but to study! SIGH.

Amazing how I can write 7 paragraphs about nothing, isn't it?? Well, done now. Off to take that first step to the rest of my evening.

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