Sunday, September 2, 2012

Nursing School

is not a joke.
This is not a dril.
It's very intense!
I only started last Tuesday (the 28th) and holy wow.
I've already read 19 chapters in our main book.
Had my first quiz
and first clinical competencies.
They were simple ones! (BP, pulse, sterile gloving, blood glucose testing)
However, somewhat daunting simply because they are so simple.
I mean what wannabe nurse wants to be the idiot who jacks up the simplest stuff?
Luckily that wasn't me.
And wasn't anyone, really. So that must be a good sign!
I handle patients not this coming week,
but next week.
Why do I feel like these are not my patients, but my victims?
And also EXTREMELY excited!
You mean I finally get to start doing what I've been preparing for, for the last two years??
Sweet sugar tits, finally!!
Whenever I look at my favorite tumblr #whatshouldwecallnursing
I feel like one of the club now :)
Well, kind of.
More like an honorary member.

My new day consists of waking up extremely early
(for me, anyways. I consider 5am bedtime during the summer months.)
and either going to school and studying 'till bed
or waking up and studying 'till bed.
Of course, it goes without saying that between every chapter/assignment I have to spend an hour doing something absolutely pointless, and not even entertaining on my computer.
Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest.
It's amazing how there is such a direct correlation to how much school work I have and how much time I'm on social media and entertainment.

But, I think I'm doing okay with the workload so far.
First exam is Tuesday, and I think that will be the big indicator if I'm on the right track or not.
Dear sweet baby Jesus, I hope so.

Wish me luck!

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