Monday, July 2, 2012

Patriotic Wariness

I'll admit it: Patriotic holidays make me wary.

It's because Americans are kind of touchy about their 'We're better than everyone,' complex and it's borderline creepy. Especially since 9/11.

I guess it just compares to my sports post. I think it's stupid to think a place is superior to others (in this case countries, but even cities, continents, basketball teams...) just because I live here.

Cause let's all be honest. We're not superior. EVERY country has it's own ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses. Everyone remember what badasses the Greeks used to be a few centuries ago? Just because I think Sweden is cool in it's own way, doesn't make me an "America Hater". And just because I think the US has it's perks and that I live here, doesn't mean I feel the need to have some sort of superior ego about it.

Isn't this holiday supposed to be about celebrating our independence? Not that we're "better"?

Everyone knows Texas has an ego! "Everything is bigger in Texas..." especially our guns, trucks and penises.... Maybe the whole creepy/weird ego-patriotism is just in Texas? 

Sigh. If only.

I guess the bottom line is that the overzealous patriotic crap just smacks wayyyy too closely of fundamentalist religions and the Nazi movement for my comfort. Although we should most certainly celebrate the people, movements, wars and hardships it took us to get here as a country, people following with the blind belief that we're better no matter what we do is dangerous.

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